Enjoy A Cántaros

Esparragosa de Lares en Internet

The house cats and dogs is the key to the Siberia and La Serena

Cottage on Pitchers key Siberia and La SerenaIf Esparragosa de Lares is the gate of La Serena and La Siberia, A Cántaros is the key that unlocks the door.

In these places of dreams bathed by the crystalline waters of the largest swamp Spain, emerging large barren slopes with cold winters and hot summers.

Where my point of view, the only animal can paste the merino sheep and where the thistle which is the vegetable rennet we use to create our most precious delicacy grows the Serena cheese. Continue reading

Whale Cranes

Whale Cranes

cranes-in-groupIt is a spectacle to contemplate the flight that these birds make from northern Europe, a round of 4.000 kilometers, Extremadura up to winter. Ornithological tourism is increasing and is creating a culture and tradition around environmental campaigns, festivals and other activities in order to carry out the watching cranes, as it attracts all kinds of people and all ages, so it can be referred to as another tourist resort.

It is wonderful to watch the cranes go for food from its resting place.

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Esparragosa de Lares en Internet

Esparragosa de Lares en Internet

There are many residents who search for Esparragosa de Lares on the Internet because they have left for the big cities in search of work or studies and who longingly remember their town, their people, festivals and using the Internet to post their photos, videos, ultimately memories. In this post we will hang any of these videos and photos and even links to some highly recommended blog. Continue reading

Playa de Los Llanos in Esparragosa de Lares


Chiringuito La Movida

Located a few 2,5 Km from the Centre of the town Esparragosa de Lares in the direction of the cemetery lies the Playa de Los Llanos. It is suitable for swimming and water sports area and has many recreational activities. It is part of the reservoir of La Serena the first in water reservoir capacity Spain and second in the world.

What I can find in the Playa de Los Llanos?

During the summer season you can also enjoy the picnic area and a small playground.

After have a swim, we can take leisurely, a chilly beers in the Beach bar “La Movida” that it has nothing to envy to the popularity of the Spanish coast beaches.

Playa de los Llanos

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Things to do in La Siberia

Attractions Extremadura siberia

Large catalog of leisure activities

It is especially relevant, the hunting and fishing in Esparragosa de Lares, fans of these sports are here stage and the ideal requirements for good hunting. It is easy to find Deer and wild boars in the area as well as other rich wildlife for hunters.

Within their recreational activities, the main tourist attraction of the region is the sport fishing. Esparragosa de Lares is surrounded by marshes, where can you fish carps, Pike, black bass and other native species. The catch- and -release is one of the most performed in these small seas practices and every weekend they are a point of reference for the influx of fans to the sport. The number of boats in these swamps credited to this region as the most increased in this fun activity and a focus toward the interior tourism. Continue reading

Birdwatching in Extremadura

Birdwatching in Extremadura

What Extremadura is a paradise for the birds is already known to those who dedicate themselves to the ornithology and contemplate nature in general, but it is that in addition to facilitating the bird watching in Extremadura, seeks to promote this hobby in the little ones with talks, workshops, Bird Observatory and a photo competition among other activities.

Generally, the Casa rural A pitchers supports the initiative that the city of Mérida has proposed so that this month of May is the MONTH OF BIRDS, developing this series of activities until the day of 31 may, with the following programming: Continue reading

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